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Posted on 29/6/13

Whoever spend some time among the Tupinambá people, even if not for long, will definitely hear the word: autonomy. Their daily life produces autonomy in a way that for many is just an idea or a dream, it is extremely practical and widespread throughout the indigenous land. Their struggle sets in motion alternatives to the ways of producing and reproducing of the lords and the private property. The fight is instigated and conducted by valuing themselves and the will to create, organize and benefit from their work in a way that it becomes inseparable from their practices and their culture.

Similarly, the relationship with the state is always permeated with the prospect that occupying the government and relating to public policy is important. However, this occupation and these relationships can not occur based on a hierarchy, the Tupinambá are constantly searching for not being restricted to the state, that is, dependent on public policies and subordinate to top down determinations. Their fight is not only about not being an employee, whether of farmers, or the state, it is mainly about not having a boss. In the same way, it is not only about not having private properties but to live together without measuring the land, without fences and without a production focused on profit that necessarily generates the destruction of the Tupinambá nature-culture. The autonomy of the indigenous materializes itself in the daily work of caring for and organizing themselves and their work. The work among the Tupinambá, can not be understood only as an economic field, but a search for living well in all its dimensions: production and manifestation of life on earth.

The difference here in the `aldeia` is that we work for ourselves.


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