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Posted on 29/6/13

Those who live the culture, those who make life from it, those who make the cluture come to life, know that it is, and it can only be, a process in constant change. Culture, in this view, is alive. Culture is not rescued, it is always in revitalization. It is to see and hear things in their relations, in their movement, because culture is nomadic, incessant exit toward living well. Culture that is distributed daily in the territory and people. Those who produce (on) the earth, produce living culture.

The living culture is not a stone block which can be simply carved or replaced by another block. In this sense, no one can be “acculturated”. The living culture is not the joining of various fragments of different stones attached to form a new block of many faces. The living culture breaks the dams that have repressed the perennial movement of transformation and reorganization of life.

A living culture is plant that grows in people’s lives: if cut, it can be born again, like a banana tree, different, but with the same bases. So is the Tupinmbá culture: Living Culture that never dies and that was never extinguished. It is where it has always been: in people’s lives and on earth. At one point it was necessary to deny the very origin to survive, but today the search for appreciating is strengthened even more. The Tupinambá are not, do not want to be and can not be a “true copy” of the Tupinambá from the past. theirs strength and originality lies in the question: what makes a Tupinambá here and now?

How can the Tupinambá from Olivença be the same as in the past if the world has changed?


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